Farangursstýfa SecureBar 5225 B
6.925 kr.
SecureBar 5225
Hentar á Pallbíla og station bíla
Frábært til að skoða af vörur í flutningi
Stækkanlegur frá 110 cm til 190 cm
Mjúkir endar og mikill styrkur
Vöruflokkar: Auka- og varahlutir, Jeppar
Tags: farangursstýfa, farmstýfa, SecureBar, stoð, stýfa, Vöru stoð, vörustýfa
Fyrirspurn um þessa vöru
Tengdar vörur
Fólksbíla- og Jeppakeðjur SUV 16
Ytri langbandalás 9mm
Farmstýfa CargoBar 5010
12.963 kr.
Farmstrekkjari QuickBinder 4158
13.546 kr.
QuickBinder Farm Strekkjari 4158
Fyrir keðjur 5/16 (S7) og 3/8 (S4)
Strekkjigeta 2,450 kg
This premium patented ratchet binder is unlike any other binder available on the market today. The QuikBinder™ offers higher working load limits than standard ratchet load binders, and is designed for use with either Grade 70 Transport or Grade 80 Alloy tie-down chains.
The QuikBinder™ is also easier to install than standard ratchet load binders. The 3-position pawl offers the user a choice of ratchet extension, ratchet take-up or a “free spin” setting for fast adjustment in either direction. A load can be secured in half the time. It is available in three sizes and features a vinyl coated barrel for a strong, comfortable grip.
The folding handle makes the QuikBinder™ safer (no handle sticking out) and more convenient to use. Simply fold the handle down after the load is secure or when storing on your cab rack. Stronger, faster, safer and more functional than standard ratchet binders.
Farmstrekkjari QuickBinder 4258
16.998 kr.
QuickBinder Farm Strekkjari 4258
Fyrir keðjur 3/8" (S7) og 1/2" (S4)
Strekkigeta 4,200 kg
This premium patented ratchet binder is unlike any other binder available on the market today. The QuikBinder™ offers higher working load limits than standard ratchet load binders, and is designed for use with either Grade 70 Transport or Grade 80 Alloy tie-down chains.
The QuikBinder™ is also easier to install than standard ratchet load binders. The 3-position pawl offers the user a choice of ratchet extension, ratchet take-up or a “free spin” setting for fast adjustment in either direction. A load can be secured in half the time. It is available in three sizes and features a vinyl coated barrel for a strong, comfortable grip.
The folding handle makes the QuikBinder™ safer (no handle sticking out) and more convenient to use. Simply fold the handle down after the load is secure or when storing on your cab rack. Stronger, faster, safer and more functional than standard ratchet binders.